Liste des individus Choisissez une lettre pour montrer des individus dont le nom de famille commence par cette lettre.A | B | C | D | F | G | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | V
Individus portant le nom ODERUT Vivant cette année-là Vivant Décédé Racines Feuilles Naissance>100 Naissance<=100 Décès>100 Décès<=100 Restaurer INDI Nom GIVN SURN Naissance Lieu Décès Age Lieu Modification SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
1 20910I ODERUT, Andrée Père: ODERUT, Louis Mère: CHOL, Philiberte
3 20926I ODERUT, Jean Père: ODERUT, Louis Mère: MARCEL (MOREL), Marie
4 3217I ODERUT, Jean Baptiste Père: ODERUT, Louis Mère: CHOL, Philiberte
360 3 Dim 18 Décembre 1740
284 75 Fontaines M YES YES
5 19242I ODERUT, Jean Baptiste Père: ODERUT, Louis Mère: MARCEL (MOREL), Marie
6 2966I ODERUT, Jeanne Marie Père: ODERUT, Jean Baptiste Mère: DELAGE (DELAYE), Geneviève
326 Fontaines 2 Sam 17 Mai 1766
258 67 Fontaines F YES YES
7 2029I ODERUT, Louis Père: ODERUT, Jean Baptiste Mère: DELAGE (DELAYE), Geneviève
328 Fontaines 4 entre 1763 et Novembre 1767
262 66 M YES YES
9 2007I ODERUT, Marie Père: ODERUT, Louis Mère: MARCEL (MOREL), Marie
10 20907I ODERUT, Marie Père: ODERUT, Louis Mère: CHOL, Philiberte
11 20958I ODERUT, Marie Père: ODERUT, Jean Baptiste Mère: DELAGE (DELAYE), Geneviève
12 20982I ODERUT, Marie Père: ODERUT, Louis Mère: MARCEL (MOREL), Marie
Prénom(s)Voir les parents Individus : 12GIVN SURN Show statistics charts SEX BIRT DEAT TREE
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 424 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2013 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 2015 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_decade
1 called from line 426 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1959 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php
ERROR 8: String offset cast occurred
0 Error occurred on line 1961 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_chart_by_age
1 called from line 428 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_indi_table
2 called from line 273 of file indilist.php